To honour the memory of a potentially
great artist Natalie Louise Streather who died aged 17 on the 29th March
2002. Natalie died in Zürich Switzerland of a massive drug overdose. The
overdose was accidental (as reported by the coroner and the Police)
the result of mixing various drugs creating a
deadly poisonous cocktail. Natalie fell asleep and did not wake up again.

Natalie Louise Streather
27.06.1984 – 29.03.2002
No Words can describe how special and unique you were.
No words can describe our pain and anguish at losing you.
Gone are the happy days we shared together.
But not the memories, they will be treasured forever.
At last you have found your peace.
You will forever live safe in our hearts.
RIP our dear Natalie, love from Mum, Dad. Effie and Jezzy
The Natalie Louise Streather Memorial Fund:
The Natalie Louise Streather Memorial fund (NLSMF) was approved on the 6th
July 2004 by the England and Wales Charity Commission. The charity
registered number is 1104776. The charity has full charitable status under
the laws of England and Wales as laid down by the Commission.
Purpose of the fund:
provide Excellence in the Arts awards to High School students or to provide
full term University scholarships all in Natalie’s memory. At this time due
to a lack of resources the Charity is concentrating on provided long term
Excellence awards (10 year duration) to High schools. It’s also planned to
work with other Charities which provide funding to disadvantaged children in
developing nations. Natalie would appreciate this also.
Board members of the
Natalie Louise
Streather Memorial Fund:
Mr. Alistair Kingsley.
Mrs. Deborah Kingsley.
Mr. Roly Baldwin.
Mr. Michael Chad-Smith.
Mrs. Gail Streather.
Mr. Adrian Streather.
The bank account:
Barclays Banks PLC.
Sort Code : 20-67-37.
Account Number : 43261018.
Account Name : Natalie Louise Streather Memorial Fund.
The Streather plea!!!
Please help us and financially support
the Natalie L. Streather Fund or the Natalie Louise Streather Memorial Fund.
Educate for free just using your time and commitment to those around you,
that drug use and abuse is senseless. Death from drug abuse sets nobody free
of anything. Together we must stop teenagers or young adults (Natalie was 3
months short of her 18th birthday) from going from an active part of this
world to just living in our hearts and memories.

Adrian Streather
02 May 2006.